The Wayne County Board of Education met last night in regular monthly session with Superintendent Don Neal and all Board members present.
Most of the meeting was spent on two subjects, the possible purchase of approximately two acres of land adjoining school property at the intersection on By Pass 90 and Worsham Lane and the purchase of a pair of Tractors, one for the Ag dept and the other for Maintenance.
The school has negotiated on the property for several years, and owners agreed to sell to the school for $136,850. Board members Jarred Criswell and Joe Hancock voted to purchase the property, while members, Benton Sloan, Tony Roberts and Richard Ramsey voted no. Following that vote, Sloan, Roberts and Ramsey voted to table the purchase until a future meeting with Criswell and Hancock voting no. The purchase of the property has been approved by the State Department of Education, and would not come from the School’s General funds
A long discussion was held on the purchase of a pair of new tractors, one for the ag Department, the other for maintenance. The total cost of the Kubota tractors, $148,134. The Ag tractor, a smaller model would cost around $50,000, with the larger model, a cab tractor costing the remainder of the figure. Some attachments will be included with the purchases. Part of the discussion was how to purchase the tractors, either cash from the School’s General Fund, or financing. The board had another 3 to 2 vote to purchase the tractors on a financing plan with Sloan, Roberts and Ramsey voting in favor of the purchase, while Hancock and Criswell voted no. There was discussion on purchasing the Ag Tractor only, but no action was taken on that
In the Superintendents report, Don Neal warned the Board of possible cuts to federal money the schools receive through Title One grants. Neal said with cuts going on in Washington, the School could lose up to 2 million dollars in Title One dollars.
Athletic DIrector Kevin Jones provided an update on Fall Sports. The 2025-2026 School Calendar was approved, featuring a later start date of August 13th, 2025. Additionally, the board approved the 2025-2026 allocation formulas.
Valarie Hutchinson discussed the application process for ERATE Eligible items for Internal Connections and Telecommunications. This federal funding allows the district to apply for items at a 90% discounted rate, based on the number of students receiving free and reduced meals in the district. This funding will enable enhancements such as Wi-Fi for buses, maintenance fees, and other electronic needs
Transportation and Facilities Director Justin Alley presented on the BG1 project concerning the Davis Heirs Land Acquisition. The board decided to table this motion until the March meeting. Alley presented the board with tractor quotes they requested in the January meeting: one for the High School Agriculture Department and the other for the Maintenance Department, using general funds. Neal questioned how this might affect staff raises for the upcoming school year. Ms. Neal stated that many things could affect staff raises. Alley, the Building and Grounds director, stated that maintenance did not need a tractor at this time. After much discussion regarding funding, the board voted 3 to 2 to approve the purchase of both tractors using general funds in the amount of $148,134.00.
Transportation and Facilities Director Justin Alley addressed the potential for approval to pursue projects funded by a Capital Funds Request for Building Funds. These projects include:
- Asbestos abatement and replacement of floor tiles at Bell Elementary
- Replacement of flooring in the Monticello Elementary Media Center
- Replacement of vinyl flooring in Wayne County Middle School hallways
- Replacement of HVAC compressors at the Wayne County District Services Building
The estimated cost on the projects, $95,100. The Board approved the projects, most of which will be done during the summer months.
The board also discussed taking action related to the Alliance Corporation Walker Early Learning Center Contract. The decision was made to request a final payment amount owed to Alliance at this time, with all members voting in favor.