The Monticello Utility Commission Board met Thursday for its regular monthly session.
Most the meeting was held in discussion about the loss of water after being distributed from the Water Treatment Plant, purchase of a new Mini Track Hoe, and purchase of needed filters for the Water Treatment plant.
The Commission has studied its water loss in depth and found out as much as 40% of the water it treats is lost after being pumped from the Water Treatment Plant at Mill Springs. This figure is much higher than the average of 15% most Utilities lose due to water line breaks, fire fighting and back washing. The Commission is putting in measures to locate possible leaks by placing meters at strategic locations throughout its system.
The Commission has bought a new Mini Track Hoe, on a lease to own plan of 48 payments of $1503.00 per month.
The Board voted to purchase much needed Filters for the Water Treatment Plant, with the cost not to exceed $300,000 with the Utility Manager to look for financing for the potential purchase.
The Board held a preliminary discussion on the possibility of selling treated water from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Commission pumps on average 10 million gallons monthly of treated waste water into Lake Cumberland. The water would not be used for drinking, but could be used in agriculture or fire fighting.
Another discussion was held on a recent four hour outage at the Water Treatment Plant and a loss of water pressure in the western part of the County as the Susie Fire Dept was battling a blaze. The Four Hour outage did not cause a major problem since it was late at night, but it did deplete surplus water in holding tanks.
In the financial report, The Commission had revenues of $647,951 for November and expenditures of $748,866. Most of the deficit due to purchase of a $130,000 filter for the Water Treatment Plant.