Monticello-Wayne County Parks & Recreation Board met Tuesday evening for their
regular monthly session. Wayne County Judge Executive/Vice Chairman Scott Gehring
along with members Wade Dick, Ruben Lee, Melinda Wixson, Jeff Sexton, and newly
appointed member Tracie Sexton. Also present was Parks Director Shane Blevins.
Absent was Mayor/Chairman Kenny Catron.
Director Blevins announced that a group is working to put together a large girls softball
tournament to be held at the park, with the potential for dozens of teams competing. The
tentative date is the weekend of April 12th but more details will be released as the plans
are finalized.
Director Blevins covered several things in his monthly report to the board. At the Aspire
Center, a new heating/air unit had to be installed when the old one became inoperable
during the cold weather. Blevins said due to the contractor being so busy, the paperwork
with total cost of the unit and installation hasn’t been received.
Blevins spoke on the need for lifeguard chairs and the poor condition of existing
handicap chairs at the Aspire Center. The board ask for quotes for new lifeguard chairs,
and batteries for existing handicap chairs along with costs for new handicap chairs. He
also told the board that new concrete is needed for the pool area before it opens this
spring. This, along with weather has delayed the pool cover installation.
At the park, Director Blevins expressed concern that large, dead trees present a liability
for the board. Dead trees will need to be removed before the new pickle ball court can
be completed. The walking trail is also in need of tree removal, and some heavy
equipment work that can’t be done by the city or county. The hiking trail still needs
attention. The board ask that cost estimates from vendors be obtained and presented to
the board.
Blevins also spoke of the dire need for new lighting at the park on the Basset and
Kiwanis fields. He said the entire park needs new lighting but, those two fields need it
most. The board will address this at a future meeting.
Director Blevins said corn hole boards in horseshoe pits at the park are on the list for
completion this spring. Also, mulch will be needed for various areas, with the lowest
cost being $1,600 for a semi truck load.
JE Gehring ask that Blevins obtain some costs for new lawn mowers that are needed
before the spring mowing season begins. During that discussion, Blevins told the board
that the recreation department would be needing a different vehicle to replace the aging
and mechanically failing Ford Explorer they currently have, citing a potential need to
invest huge dollars in repairs in the near future.
Next meeting is February 25th at 5 PM at the Aspire Center. The meetings are open to the