Monticello City Council Meets

The Monticello City Council met last night for it’s first session of 2025 with Mayor Kenny Catron and all members present. It was the first meeting for new members Tracy Sexton and Rachel Chaplin, who join holdovers Alan Vaughn Alan Hopper, Cody Dishman and Jamie Reagan to form the new Council.

A long discussion was held on the legality of using Alcohol Beverage funds for the purchase of Computers for City Police Cruisers. In December, the Council voted to use 100% ABC funding for the computers, but changed that last night to 80% General Fund money and 20% ABC funds.

In other business, the Council heard first readings of Ordinances setting Business License rates and amending the Code Enforcement Ordinance. The Council tabled a resolution applying for funding on a sanitary sewer project for Carter Road and West Monticello Subdivision. Council members asked that more details of the project be included in the resolution when it’s brought back to the Council for vote.

In the ABC Report, it was noted over $311,000 in alcohol sales for the month of December in the City of Monticello.

The Council approved Mayor Catron’s appointments to various Boards. Cody Dishman and Jamie Reagan were appointed to the Monticello Utility Commission, Tracy Sexton to the Parks and Recreation Board, Alan Hopper and Alan Vaughn to the Monticello Wayne County Telecommunications Board and Rachel Chaplin to the Fire Committee.