The Monticello City Council met Monday night in a quick regular session. The four returning members of the Council, Cody Dishman, Alan Hopper, Jamie Reagan and Alan Vaughn were sworn into office for a new term to begin January 1rst.
The Council voted unanimously to hire Mayor Kenny Catron’s recommendation for the position of Code Enforcement Officer/Alcohol Beverage Control Administrator. Erynn Pyles was hired to the position effective December 26 at a salary of $21.00 per hour.
The Council had a tie vote on how to pay for the purchase of computers for City Police Cruisers.
Earlier this month the Council voted to pay for the computers on an 80/20 split, with 80% of the purchase coming from the City’s General Fund and 20% from the Alcohol Beverage Fund.
Last night Council members Hopper and Reagan voted to purchase the computers with 100% ABC money with Dishman and Vaughn voting no. Mayor Kenny Catron broke the tie, voting in favor of the over $20,000 purchase to come 100% from Alcohol funds.