WC Board Meets In Special Session

The Wayne County School Board of Education met in special session tonight with holdover members, Jerrod Criswell, Joe Hancock, and Benton Sloan, and new members Richard Ramsey and Tony Roberts.

Most of the just over hour meeting was spent in executive session discussing the Superintendent’s evaluation, with no action taken following a return to regular session

Sloan was elected as Board Chairman, Roberts as Vice Chairman, the Board will continue to meet at its regular meeting time.

John Blevins of Corbin was named as the new Board Attorney, receiving votes from Sloan, Ramsey and Roberts. Blevins replaces long time attorney Gordon Germain, who has served as Board Attorney for 34 years.

The Board discussed Superintendent Don Neal’s 2024 evaluation, learned he received favorable evaluation from Board Members Hancock, Criswell and former member Larry Muse.

A quick discussion was held on the most recent Finance report, with no action taken.

The Board heard from Justin Alley on the standing of the Walker Elementary Architect and Construction plans. Basically the project is on hold due to the rising cost of building and waiting on possible state funding.

The board heard a first reading of a policy setting agenda parameters for meetings, with the Superintendent to meet will various school administration before meetings.

Following all items on the agenda being covered, the board went into executive session and after return to open meeting adjourned without taking any action.